The Necessities of Fats to our Diet

Certain facts should be considered while trying to do away with fat-content foods in our meal as a remedy to reduce weight and maintain a good (perfect) body shape. Dietitians have unveil the true scoop about fats in our meals which is not in accordance with our general believe of doing away with fats in our (daily) meal.

Fats is said to play a vital role in our nutrition and health by helping our body to absorb Vitamin A, D, E and K, and also reduces the glycemic impact of a meal or snack so our body sugar does not spike and lead to a crash (and feel tired) when it fall.

Healthy fats can be found in whole or unprocessed plant foods like avocados, coconuts, nuts and seeds (including nut and seed butter), as well as animal foods which include meat, poultry, fish and dairy. Whole or unprocessed grains such as brown rice, wheat and oatmeal also have a small amount of healthy fats, as well as oils that are minimally processed are also healthy source of fat.

As such, whole or unprocessed foods are good healthy sources of fats and such should be gone for as there are very rich in healthy fats. Examples; oils that are unrefined which indicates minimal processing, nuts and seed butters without added sugar or oil, dry-roasted nuts or raw nuts as well as wild animal foods and products (such as wild fish, grass-fed meat which have high anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fats), and organic plant foods and products are rich in healthy fats.

Getting atleast 30% calories from fat is an ideal percent for the body despite the differences in individual body systems. Therefore, fat should be eaten in almost very meal. As noted that it transport the body Vitamins, and also lower the glycemic impact of the meal; in order word, it reduces the impact on blood sugar.

Most people often find it difficult to fit in this nutrient (fat) in their daily meal as They are afraid to add on to their weight, while others find it naturally hard. Theses are one of the best ways to schedule this nutrition (fat) along in our meal:
1. In addition to eating nuts and seeds for snacks, put fat on salad or in oatmeal or yogurt.
2. Spread nut butters on apples,celery or rice cakes and use them to make cooking sauces.
3. Make an healthy guacamole (avocado, tomato and olive oil), and put it on veggies such as peppers, carrots and celery and even on salads,in rice bowls and stir fries.
4. Avocado can also be put in smoothies to add creaminess and thickness and cut down on the sugar content.

NOTE: Oils suitable for cooking at both high and low temperatures are whole or unprocessed (minimally processed) oils. It is better not to cook with almond, flax,pumpkin, safflower oils as these are healthier eaten at room temperature.

Fats do have more calories than carbohydrates and proteins. Every gram of fats has atleast nine (9) calories, which makes them more energy dense, while carbohydrates and proteins have four (4) calories per gram. So while taking in fats, try to manage calories intake. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are the healthiest.

Nevertheless, It's important to avoid trans fats, which raise LDL (the bad cholesterol in the body). There are often found in processed foods such as bakery, snack foods and fast foods. To know a trans fat contain foods, it is often written on the package "partially hydrogenated oil".

It is ideal to have a good relationship with a dietitian (especially yours) as they have more concise knowledge of fats as well as other nutrients good for the body at a time, season or
