Health Benefits of Morning Exercise

Most funny things we do at our leisure time are often benefiting to our health (physiological, mentally, physically and otherwise). But waking up at the crack of the dawn for a funny thing like exercise is what most people find so hard to do; the funny truth is that, early morning exercise is of great benefit than other exercises of the mid-day or at evening.

This article is to disclose to our audience the lucrative benefits of morning exercise, and from our researches and studies these few among others are the great benefits of early morning exercise. There include the following:

1. Good Cardiovascular Impact: Morning exercise improve and develop our heart health. Mostly, working out or jugging out early in the morning increases the impact exercise perform in the heart. It maintain and level the regulation of blood from the heart to other parts of the body. Increases the level of hormones in the body; which is the actual reason why our body wakes us up as due, hence causes a faster heart beat.

Nevertheless, we advice that if any of our audience (reading this article) have a heart problem, such should discuss with his/her doctor to receive a concise medical advice on exercising the body (heart) early in the morning. As research has prove that extra-heart activities can lead to chest pain and heart attack, hence it may be a threat to a person with a heart problem.

2. Great Brain Boosting Power: Working out early in the morning keep the brain in good health and shape amid day exercises. Our studies have disclose that exercise increases mental focus for up to ten (10) hours post-workout. As such, the scheduling of exercise regimen after work is not liable to give one full advantage of the ten (10) hours benefit, as most time the day works' do tired us out.

3. Good Body Weight: Morning exercise is an optimal time to exercise if we really want to loss weight (body fats) and maintain good body shape. Exercising in the morning (especially morning workout or jugging) burn the calories faster and more efficiently in the body as it is done earlier before taking breakfast. Moreover, morning exercise alone nutritious meal give us a good body shape, and if regularly done will maintain a good (perfect) body weight or shape.

4. A Consistent Workout: The commitment of oneself to working out or jugging out in the morning give the person an extra strength to catch up with impromptu or emergent  activities throughout the day without being exhausted. A person who work out or jug out in the morning hardly get exhausted from a rough day at work and still retain enough strength for extra-curricular activities.

5. More Energy: Generally, exercise releases compound like endorphins that help improve ones energy levels; an effect that last well even to evening, if exercised early in the morning. Morning exercise enhances better sleep at night after the day work than evening exercise. The evening exercise after (some times, a rough) day work turns out to be a depression.

Conclusion: A big barrier to getting enough exercise (mostly in the morning) is often the fact that it is hard to fix it into our daily schedule, because of some domestic reasons (like morning sleep at dawn, preparing thy children for school, preparation for work etc). But the truth is that people who exercise early in the morning stick to their exercise plan accurately that those who exercises at night or mid day.
Therefore, setting an alarm clock in the morning is a good and easier alternative as a reliable strategy to exercising early in the morning. Though at the early instance will be inconvenience but with consistency will later turn out to be a custom as it is healthier to our body.      
