Health Benefits of Fresh Pepper

Peppers are rich in Vitamin A, C and K which are antioxidants. Antioxidants vitamin A and C help to prevent cancer and cell damage among other age relating diseases, and also support the immune system function. There are also good reducing agents of inflammation as in arthritis and asthma.
Vitamin K on the other hand; protect the cells from oxidation damage, strengthen the bones and promotes proper blood clotting. These vitamins are promptly found in fresh pepper.

Fresh pepper is a good source of carotenoid such  lycopene, which is highly reputable for helping in the prevention of prostate cancers as well as cancer of the bladder, cervix, and pancreas.

Fresh pepper is also another good source of carotenoid called beta-crptoxanthin, which is prove to be helpful in the prevention of cancer of the lung related to smoking and smokes as a result of air pollution.
Aside fresh pepper's richness in phytochemicals, fresh pepper also provide a decent amount of fiber.

The hotness or heat produce by fresh pepper comes from capsaicin, which acts on pain receptors, not taste buds, in our mouth. Capsaicin is predominated in the white membranes of the pepper (mostly know as the seed of pepper), is shown to decrease blood cholesterol and triglycerides, boost the immune system, and reduce the (high) risk of stomach ulcers.

Most people believe that the hotness of fresh pepper aggravated ulcer;this is so in ulcer patient if use excessively. On the other hand, fresh pepper help defect the effect of ulcer causing bacteria.

Fresh pepper's health benefit as shown above contain substances that increases the body's heat production and oxygen consumption for about 15 minutes after meal, hence helping the body burn extra calories, which may also help in body weight loss.   
